Licensing Policy

Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Applied Science

1. Introduction

Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Applied Science (FIAS) is dedicated to ensuring that all published works are accessible and properly licensed to support the dissemination and reuse of research. This Licensing Policy outlines the types of licenses applied to articles published in the journal and the rights and responsibilities of authors, readers, and the journal.

2. Licensing Options

FIAS primarily uses the following licenses to facilitate the sharing and reuse of published research:

2.1. Creative Commons Licenses

  • CC BY (Attribution): This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the original creation. This is the most flexible CC license in terms of what others can do with the works.
  • CC BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike): This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon the work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the original creation and license their new creations under the identical terms.
  • CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial): This license allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon the work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge the original creation, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.
  • CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike): This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit the original creation and license their new creations under the identical terms.

3. Licensing Choice and Application

3.1. Author Choice

  • Selection: Authors are provided with the option to select their preferred Creative Commons license during the submission process. If no preference is indicated, the default license applied will be CC BY.
  • Changes: Once a license is chosen and applied, it cannot be changed after publication. Authors should carefully consider their licensing choice before finalizing their submission.

3.2. License Application

  • Implementation: The chosen license will be applied to the published article and clearly indicated on the article’s webpage and in the published PDF.
  • Metadata: The license type will be included in the article metadata to ensure proper attribution and compliance.

4. Author Rights and Responsibilities

4.1. Author Rights

  • Attribution: Authors retain the right to be credited as the original creators of their work.
  • Reuse: Authors may reuse their work in future publications, presentations, or other formats, provided the original license terms are respected.

4.2. Author Responsibilities

  • Compliance: Authors must ensure that their work complies with the chosen license terms and that any third-party content included in their work is appropriately licensed and attributed.
  • Disclosure: Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest, funding sources, and ethical considerations relevant to their research.

5. Reader and Institutional Rights

5.1. Access and Reuse

  • Open Access: Articles published under Creative Commons licenses are freely accessible to all readers, promoting the dissemination and reuse of research.
  • Reuse Rights: Readers may reuse and adapt the content according to the terms of the license. Proper attribution must be provided in accordance with the chosen license.

5.2. Institutional Policies

  • Compliance: Institutions subscribing to or disseminating FIAS content must adhere to the licensing terms associated with each article.
  • Integration: Institutions may integrate FIAS content into their own repositories or systems, provided that proper attribution is given and the license terms are respected.

6. Licensing Disputes

6.1. Resolution

  • Disputes: Any disputes related to licensing terms or compliance should be directed to the editorial office. FIAS will work to resolve disputes in accordance with the chosen license terms and applicable laws.

6.2. Contact

  • Support: For questions or concerns about licensing, please contact the editorial office.

7. Continuous Improvement

FIAS is committed to continuously reviewing and improving its licensing practices to support open access and the ethical sharing of research.